Friday, September 7, 2012

Tattletale or Whistle-blower?

Here is a question to ask your child about this mornings' chapel service:
What is the difference between a tattletale and a whistle-blower?

In this morning's chapel, Father Jacob focused on a few words in the Honor Code that have huge meaning and implications.Hope this will spark a great conversation at your house.

As a member of the Trinity Episcopal School community, I pledge to: 

  • Be responsible for my actions
  • Always do my best as an individual and as part of a team
  • Respect the uniqueness and gifts of others
  • Practice kindness and consideration
  • Celebrate the joyful, beautiful and enduring
  • Not lie, cheat or steal

  • I will follow this honor code, and will help others do the same as ambassadors of God’s grace and everlasting love.