Monday, November 19, 2012

Writers' Workshop Update

 I couldn't be prouder of the great work our class has done with our second published narratives. We spent a great deal of time talking about the structure of stories and used a 5-part timeline to plan our writing. We are learning that most of the hard work in writing happens after you write your first draft. The magic happens in the revision process. Ask your student to tell you about the following revision strategies.

  1. Look to S T R E T C H out the shorter sections
  2. Fix any "plot holes"
  3. Use specific dialogue that is believable for your characters
  4. SHOW, don't TELL
  5. Include SENSORY details
  6. Use strong "said" or "went"

We will have an in-class writing celebration on Tuesday, November 20. I hope that you will enjoy celebrating your child's writing during your student-led conference. We are sending home the timelines and drafts so that you will be able to see how your 4th grader worked to revise and edit his/her writing.